by Dr. Hans–Peter Brockamp
The importance of the blood in regard to the performance of the pigeon is described on pages 12 and 22. A theme that is only rarely spoken of in this connection, however, is that of mites.
Check your pigeons (preferably red or check pigeons) periodically by holding the opened wing against the light. An obstinate and very unpleasant “red bird mite” of about only 1 mm in size can be recognised directly on the quills. If this very difficult type to fight is not present, everything is ok.
Moreover, the blood mite is a dangerous parasite that hides during the daytime in the bird’s cracks and seams. At nighttime they attack the animals and cause discomfort. The pigeons patter in the nest boxes.
The mange mite and the unbelievably obstinate Nordic bird mite are also very widespread amongst hens.
In addition to the discomfort that these bloodsuckers spread, they weaken the pigeons by extracting the animals’ blood. With heavy infestation pigeons can lose 2.5% of their body weight in blood. This results in unavoidable sharp declines in performance. In addition they transmit long-term illness such as salmonella, E. coli and even pox.
A very effective means against this are so-called endo/ecto drops, which are applied to the skin and also have very good properties against worms. After treatment, your pigeons are free of parasites for approx. 4-6 months. Please contact us personally for more information
Treat your pigeons 3 x per year with endo/ecto drops by applying one drop directly on the skin of each pigeon – in March before travel, in August after travel and in December after moulting.
No bugs will be missed on the pigeons that you have treated while in the cage or during exhibit
Make absolutely sure that your pigeons are free from ectoparasites for the entire year.