Effectiveness of Probac
The prerequisite for the highperformance and good health of pigeons is an intact intestinal flora. Probiotic bacteria represent an effective possibility of keeping pigeons healthy in a natural way.
Probiotic bacteria (Probac)
Over the course of millions of years different bacteria cultures have developed with warm-blooded animals into a closed reciprocal system with the user. In the form of optimal growth temperature and constant supply of essential nutrients, bacteria receive the optimal living space for their growth from the animal. In return, the animals receive help with the digestive process from the bacteria.
Natural equilibrium
When the pigeons are not stressed, are balanced and not fed medications, living in a clean environment, there is an ideal healthy equilibrium between the pigeon body and the intestinal bacteria population. In this ideal state there are both an optimal utilisation of food and a natural resistance to organisms causing illness. Our pigeons are, however, exposed to the widest range of stressful situations. Numerous external changes affecting the pigeon can bring this positive, mutually beneficial relationship with the intestinal bacteria population out of its equilibrium.
Useful bacteria produce lactic acid, hydrogen peroxide and natural antibiotics as well as some other active ingredients that help to keep germs like E. coli, yeast bacteria or salmonella under control in the intestines. These microorganisms are often latently present in pigeons and are only waiting for the opportunity to break out as illness when stress arises.
The pH value in the intestines of healthy pigeons is slightly acidic. With intestinal infections it changes to basic. Probiotic bacteria regulate the pH value in the intestine so that infections cannot arise so quickly. In addition, they produce protective mucouses, among other things, and occupy decisive receptors in the intestinal wall so that the illness-causing mucouses cannot find a place to embed themselves.
Moreover, probiotic bacteria have an appetising effect. They produce a series of effective intestinal enzymes and vitamins and help the racing pigeon to absorb the maximum amount of nutrients from the food. The fodder utilisation is improved, which can be used during the travel time for an increase in the energy reserves.