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Active Iron
(organically bound iron-chelate complex)
For increasing the oxygen concentration in the blood
As an important component of the blood pigment haemoglobin, iron empowers the red blood cells for oxygen transport. Haemoglobin binds the oxygen inhaled and transports it to the body cells.
The iron demand is specifically increased in phases of high bodily stress, like travel, breeding and moulting. Iron deficiency is therefore one of the most common deficiency symptoms of our racing pigeons. The immediate consequence is a haemoglobin deficit, which leads to an insufficient provision of oxygen to the entire organism.
The racing pigeon draws its flight energy primarily from the lipid metabolism. The preparation of energy from the lipid metabolism requires many times more oxygen than that used by the carbohydrate exchange of a human, for comparison. A sufficiently high haemoglobin concentration in the blood is thus a decisive performance factor.
Active iron promotes haematopoiesis, especially increases the number of red blood cells, increases the concentration of oxygen in the blood and thus accelerates the transport of oxygen to the cells (mitochondria). Already after a few days of use, the blood-iron value (haematocrit value) is significantly increased and leads to a natural increase in performance with the competition flights. Illnesses of the stomach-intestinal tract impede the acceptance of iron. Too-low oxygen content of the gastric juice or changes of the mucosa in the upper small intestine as well as affliction with harmful bacteria can be causes for this. Therefore it should be absolutely ensured that the natural intestinal flora of the racing pigeon remain intact.
1 litre of Active Iron contains 22.000 mg of a specific organically bound iron-chelate complex. This special form of iron is resorbed by far the best by the pigeon in direct comparison with other iron preparations.
With the beginning of the training, approx. 3-4 weeks prior to the beginning of the travel time, active iron should be administered 2 x weekly through the drinking water or the fodder in order to fill the iron storage in good time. A minimum 1 x weekly, 5 ml active iron to 1 litre water or 1 kg fodder for 25 pigeons per day should also be given in the breeding and moulting periods.